A maximum of 10 pieces of equipment can be listed at any one time per person.
Pictures of your items are welcome. Some Items listed have a hyperlink,
equipment. All contracts are between buyer and seller.
Some pictures displayed are NOT from the owner of the equipment being sold,
but are shown for display only.
| Added: 01/18/2025| By WD4E – Jack |Email: jack32@carolina.rr.com
1. Bencher BY-2 Chrome paddles, very nice condition w/cable and 1/8 stereo plug. $125 (-OR-) item 2
2. Bencher BY-3 Gold paddles, (some minor cosmetic defects) w/cable and 1/8 stereo plug. $200
3. MFJ-929 “Intellituner” in excellent condition. $125
4. MfJ-872 SWR/Wattmeter in excellent condition Covers 1.8 to 200 Mhz in ranges 5, 20, or 200 watts. $100
All prices are firm and for pickup at my QTH in Monroe. I can email pictures to those interested. I have a bunch of other goodies also such as 4:1 balun and a variety of coax jumpers, 450 ohm twinlead, Ringo ranger.. too numerous to list that I will sell cheap maybe even free with purchase of one of the above.
Email only to jacke32@carolina.rr.com. Thanks for reading, 73, Jack, WD4E, aka “oldest Rat in the UCARS Barn”
| Added: 11/10/2024| By K4EVT – Jeff |Email: weissone@gmail.com
For Sale:Yaesu FT1XDR/DE Analog/Digital Portable. $200
| Added: 12/12/2022| By K1NEM – Pete |Email: pgulish@carolina.rr.com
For Sale: Cushcraft A3 Three element beam.
Antenna is currently uninstalled and in inside storage. Trap ends were replaced a few year ago, antenna was cleaned and tested at that time.
The boom is in one-piece and joint is galled and do not recommend attempting to take apart. Asking $200 or OBO.